Thursday, 5 May 2011

Africa Time

5th May 2011.
Today was a lesson in African time. After thinking things were running so smoothly and sorting themselves out very nicely, today was a reality check.

 The DSTV installation guys who said they'd be here at 12.00 arrived at 3.30  - only after numerous calls from both Mark and I threatening to take the business elsewhere (presuming that 'elsewhere' would provide better service of course).  Then the people who I'd phoned to come and measure for curtains who said they'd be here at 10.00, arrived at 4.00 - admittedly, they did phone to say they'd be running a little late...

Anyway. The upside is that we now have DSTV and will hopefully also soon have some curtains in the lounge at least. 

I'm going to have to adjust my inner and outer clocks and remember that really, I'm in no rush at all.

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